Confessions of a work-a-holic

Introducing my rediscovered method for "slowing down" and relaxing! I've taken up knitting (after about a 20 year break from it!) This follows Doctors orders to "learn to take it easy" and rest! Nothing to worry about, we are just FINALLY having a baby this year!

So, needless to say we've been a bit pre-occupied over the last few months and have been keeping a bit of a low profile to get through the first trimester.

So I've started knitting a baby cardigan from the Debbie Bliss collections. I am very rusty, but it's all slowly coming back!

I am even tempted to have a go a sewing's only been about 6 years since I did the sewing thing!

I also hope to have a bit more time to get back to blogging again now as I am no longer taking on freelance projects. I've finished my last batch of books, thanks to some help from a fellow blogging/illustrator friend - you know who you are....(thanks again!).

This lovely surprised arrived in the post this week - it's the UK versions of my I'm glad series of books. I'm not sure if I knew they were doing Uk versions or not (it's been a while since I read the contracts!) but it's very exciting!!

So here's to blogging, crafting and getting my life balance back.

Type the rest here


Kelly Medina said…
Hello Stranger! It's so great to see your post today. Congratulations on the wonderful baby news!

I love the striped sock. I'm OK at sewing but I REALLY love looking at sewing project books. I recently got I Heart Patchwork and love it. So fun and inspiring.

All the best,

Kelly :)
Carly Findlay said…
Hey hey!
Great to see you're back blogging, and congratulations (again) on the exciting news!
Looking forward to seeing the finished cardigan.
Thanks for reading and commenting on my blog too - I am feeling much better thanks!
Natalie Ryan said…
Congratulations on your fantastic news - your blog has been a delight! Best wishes, Natalie.
Ange B said…
oh danielle I am so happy for you and husband...congratulations...I was worried that you had disappeared off the face of the earth...but you were just
All the best...I have cut back big time myself and am sooooo much happier now! Keep us up to date about the baby...
Take care

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