Coming up for air!

This once month posting thing is clearly becoming a habit! There is so much going on but I just can't seem to make time to share things here. When there are so many things demanding your time and attention, then something has to give. I just can't physically do everything so I feel a bit like I am in survival mode! 

None the less, here I am! Last month I managed to finish an exciting BRAND NEW book project (double the length of anything I have worked on before!) This obviously means double the work! It took an entire week of scanning and 'live tracing' to sort out all of the illustrations (even with the help of my niece!) I am really pleased with how it all came together and I can't wait to see the final product - (due for release in SEPTEMBER this year.)

No rest for the wicked though - I have already completed another Ella and Olivia book since then and am starting on the next Ella Diaries too!

I do have a few new things to share, but I still need to photograph them. In the meantime, here's some (bad) photos of a lovely surprise I recently received in the mail. It's a Spanish version of a book I worked on a few years ago with Five Mile Press. It's a "Press and Play" concept where you 'pop' out a 2D character to interact with the pages. It's the first time I have seen a foreign language version of one of my books, so it's pretty exciting!

And just because I don't share enough farm pics here, I just wanted to share our lovely chickens getting in on some out door painting fun! 

I swear these chickens think they are human! They always try to come inside the house with us and even jump into the car with us whenever they can! I love them!!


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