Wow - time has really escaped me! We have had so much on in the last few weeks that I have just had to ignore the blog for a bit.
So here's the catch up:
I have been working on my brand new book amidst all the craziness of moving house! (More on that later!)

The publisher does not want computer generated artwork, so I'm back painting again! I've really missed the hands on thrill of creating artwork with materials other than the computer! There's no doubt that I am quicker on the computer, and it's funny how you get used to being able to fix "mistakes" on the computer, but there's something about hand generated artwork that does make you want to share it!

I have completed a couple of concept illustrations so that the publisher can include this book in their new catalogue. It's been a great way for me to really work out the final look and colours of the book, and to establish the final technique that I will use.

I need to have all first rough concepts to the publisher by Monday of next week, and then all final artwork to them by the 1st of October, so this should keep me pretty busy!
Some of you may already be aware that I am a bit of a work-a-holic who can't say NO to projects, so true to my form, I also have a couple of other opportunies in the pipelines. One of them is with another new publisher which will involve illustrating a series of readers for young children just learning to read, and the other is the potential to work with an author (I have previously worked with) on her new book.
And yes I am still working fulltime too! I am currently on two weeks holiday as we have just moved into our brand new country house. I will be working two days a week in the office and three days from home, as my work place is now 2 and a half hours away!
Click on the link below if you want a few more details on our big move!

So - WE SOLD THE HOUSE! We had already decided to move on the weekend anyway, but it's a real relief to have sold the Melbourne house!

We are just in awe of our new place and really feel like we are living the dream. We are still upacking boxes so I will share some inside shots next week (hopefully we will have unpacked by then!)

Needless to say Roxy loves it here as much as we do! She just wants to spend all of her time outside. We've had a few really cold mornings already, but it doesn't stop her getting out amongst the frost!

She sure didn't appreciate being left behind though when it came time to test the boat! Notice there are no oars, (that's a plank of wood!)and the bottom was full of baby red back spiders - so I was very happy to be the photographer on this occasion!

Check out the size of the yabbies in the dam!!....hhhhhmmm, does anyone have any good recipe ideas for us?!
So here's the catch up:
I have been working on my brand new book amidst all the craziness of moving house! (More on that later!)

The publisher does not want computer generated artwork, so I'm back painting again! I've really missed the hands on thrill of creating artwork with materials other than the computer! There's no doubt that I am quicker on the computer, and it's funny how you get used to being able to fix "mistakes" on the computer, but there's something about hand generated artwork that does make you want to share it!

I have completed a couple of concept illustrations so that the publisher can include this book in their new catalogue. It's been a great way for me to really work out the final look and colours of the book, and to establish the final technique that I will use.

I need to have all first rough concepts to the publisher by Monday of next week, and then all final artwork to them by the 1st of October, so this should keep me pretty busy!
Some of you may already be aware that I am a bit of a work-a-holic who can't say NO to projects, so true to my form, I also have a couple of other opportunies in the pipelines. One of them is with another new publisher which will involve illustrating a series of readers for young children just learning to read, and the other is the potential to work with an author (I have previously worked with) on her new book.
And yes I am still working fulltime too! I am currently on two weeks holiday as we have just moved into our brand new country house. I will be working two days a week in the office and three days from home, as my work place is now 2 and a half hours away!
Click on the link below if you want a few more details on our big move!

So - WE SOLD THE HOUSE! We had already decided to move on the weekend anyway, but it's a real relief to have sold the Melbourne house!

We are just in awe of our new place and really feel like we are living the dream. We are still upacking boxes so I will share some inside shots next week (hopefully we will have unpacked by then!)

Needless to say Roxy loves it here as much as we do! She just wants to spend all of her time outside. We've had a few really cold mornings already, but it doesn't stop her getting out amongst the frost!

She sure didn't appreciate being left behind though when it came time to test the boat! Notice there are no oars, (that's a plank of wood!)and the bottom was full of baby red back spiders - so I was very happy to be the photographer on this occasion!

Check out the size of the yabbies in the dam!!....hhhhhmmm, does anyone have any good recipe ideas for us?!
and hooray for getting back to painting... I should do the same... right now!
take care xx
Your Husband