We're starting to gather a few ideas for the nursery now, and I plan to do some mood and colour boards to help inspire us as we get closer to making a bit of a start.
We only have a two bedroom home and we are just organising a secure shed to be able to move everything out of the "spare room" into storage for a while! may be a case of BYO tent or caravan for visitors for a while! Although I am assured that NO-0NE will want to stay in the same house as a new born anyway, so I believe we have some time to work out some alternative arrangements!

Just a quick note that I have exhausted all avenues to find where I sourced some of the images, but with no luck, so please enjoy them for their colour and inspiration references that originally drew me to them!
So let me just start by saying that all of the lovely prints are by a very talented duo of Australian artists Nicholas and Mara Girling. Check out their PRINT SPACE blog for all details.
I think I'll have to stock up on some of their prints!
1. I just loved the 3D feel of this arrangement - a bit like a scene or set from a play. This interests me and I like the thought of doing something like this on one of the walls. And how gorgeous is that blue wall with the contrasting red!
2. I've always loved little multi box shelving and would like to do something like this on another wall! Check out the Purl Bee website and blog for heaps more inspirational colour use....oh and of course their craft stuff!
3. Easy access to books is a must - even if it's a little while before they're in full use! I love the idea of some shelving that presents the books facing front on rather than just seeing the spines. Then you can update and change the selection when ever you need to refresh them! It's a great way to add colour to a room too!
4. How cool are the white shelves with the coloured insides?! Could be some ideas in this too! I also love that orange bean bag in the corner. Check out the full tour of this house here are Bloesem Kids.
5. I've had my eye on this light cover for some time, but just can't bring myself to pay the money for it! I think I might try to find some plain white rice paper light covers to decorate myself! But you MUST check out the beautiful French website Ocechou where I found this! I want just about everything on this site!
6. Speaking of forking out money, here's a rather decadent item I have fallen in love with! I've been wanting a rocking chair (for those late night feeds and wake up calls!) but never imagined there might be something quite as luxurious as this out there! We've found this store in Melbourne who stock them, so we may have to find an excuse to go and test drive one!
7. This is another Bloesem house tour and I'm interested in the idea of lots of frames all cluttered together in one space, but not necessarily framing images!
Oooh, I almost forgot the mention the Atelier cards in the bottom left corner of the middle group of images! I regularly visit their site for great colour inspiration!
My next step is to start to find some paint colour chips, along with some fabrics and textures to fill out my mood boards a little.
Have a great week!
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We only have a two bedroom home and we are just organising a secure shed to be able to move everything out of the "spare room" into storage for a while! may be a case of BYO tent or caravan for visitors for a while! Although I am assured that NO-0NE will want to stay in the same house as a new born anyway, so I believe we have some time to work out some alternative arrangements!

Just a quick note that I have exhausted all avenues to find where I sourced some of the images, but with no luck, so please enjoy them for their colour and inspiration references that originally drew me to them!
So let me just start by saying that all of the lovely prints are by a very talented duo of Australian artists Nicholas and Mara Girling. Check out their PRINT SPACE blog for all details.
I think I'll have to stock up on some of their prints!
1. I just loved the 3D feel of this arrangement - a bit like a scene or set from a play. This interests me and I like the thought of doing something like this on one of the walls. And how gorgeous is that blue wall with the contrasting red!
2. I've always loved little multi box shelving and would like to do something like this on another wall! Check out the Purl Bee website and blog for heaps more inspirational colour use....oh and of course their craft stuff!
3. Easy access to books is a must - even if it's a little while before they're in full use! I love the idea of some shelving that presents the books facing front on rather than just seeing the spines. Then you can update and change the selection when ever you need to refresh them! It's a great way to add colour to a room too!
4. How cool are the white shelves with the coloured insides?! Could be some ideas in this too! I also love that orange bean bag in the corner. Check out the full tour of this house here are Bloesem Kids.
5. I've had my eye on this light cover for some time, but just can't bring myself to pay the money for it! I think I might try to find some plain white rice paper light covers to decorate myself! But you MUST check out the beautiful French website Ocechou where I found this! I want just about everything on this site!
6. Speaking of forking out money, here's a rather decadent item I have fallen in love with! I've been wanting a rocking chair (for those late night feeds and wake up calls!) but never imagined there might be something quite as luxurious as this out there! We've found this store in Melbourne who stock them, so we may have to find an excuse to go and test drive one!
7. This is another Bloesem house tour and I'm interested in the idea of lots of frames all cluttered together in one space, but not necessarily framing images!
Oooh, I almost forgot the mention the Atelier cards in the bottom left corner of the middle group of images! I regularly visit their site for great colour inspiration!
My next step is to start to find some paint colour chips, along with some fabrics and textures to fill out my mood boards a little.
Have a great week!
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Type the rest here
Baby will be very inspired and stimulated by all the beautiful things in their room. I am so excited to see the room, and of course, meet Baby.
1. Love it!
2. Can easily be done with an expedit bookshelf from Ikea if you don't fancy making one yourself
3. Again Ikea have special little shelves that do just this. Yay!
4. Love it and a thinking already about doing this to my shelves but with black inside. oh la la!
5. I have one word for you when it comes to plain rice paper shades – Ikea!
6. Love it! Want one myself and I don't even have the baby excuse!
7. Looks good.
Another thing I have seen for you to consider – beautiful tree thing from Aero Designs $259 so up your alley it is not funny! I think you must buy it – available in red / orange / green / black / white. FABBO!
Let me know when you want to give your plastic a good workout and I am there. Shop til you drop and boogie til you puke! Love ya. Miss ya. Talk soon.
Fi-Fi Lamour :x