In all of my frustration at not being able to share my current projects with you, I had forgotten THIS new book was due off the printing presses!
My advance copy has just arrived in the mail today. I am so happy with it. The colours are wonderful. (Once again please forgive my dodgy photos - I am in the process of learning how to improve them.) Here's a bit of a sneak peek. I have also included some artwork files just to show you how the colours really look.
This page had a few tweaks made to it before it went to print....
Some of you may notice that this is a slightly different style from my usual work. I have been working in the toddler and baby section for so long that I was a bit rusty on the older kids style. Fortunately my wonderful publishers were patient enough with me to coax this lovely work from me and I am very proud of this one.
Oh, and look. There's even a mention of my previous book in the back of this one. Makes me feel like a 'real' illustrator...sometimes I forget!
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