New Year, resolutions.
I am cheating a bit today with the imagery, but I wanted to show you this gorgeous bag that my clever sister just "whipped up!" I love it and am hoping to convince her to make me one. She's the crafty one (and my Mum). I just think about doing stuff. They actually do it!

Work is due to hot up again in the next week or two with more books and projects in the pipelines, so I have really tried to make the most of my down time to be creative. It's a real luxury to have the time, and I am putting together some greeting card ideas and working on my book concepts. I have so many ideas in concept form and my goal this year is to flesh them out into something tangible and to actually show them to publishers!
On the home front, I have commenced actions to cross off both of my new years resolutions within the first few months of the year! They may be lame to you, but I have talked about them for so long that this year is the year of action.
(And for the record - NO I am not pregnant! I wish people would stop asking me that!!)
1. I have acquired all the necessary paper work to finally get my name officially changed - after almost two years of marriage!! Looking forward to signing Mrs Danielle J....hhhmmm, I had better start practicing my signature! Perhaps I'd better actually fill in and SEND the paperwork first! Paper work was never my strong point!
(Will keep using my maiden name for my professional work though.)
2. And this one really terrifies me - I have made an appointment to visit the dentist! The stupid thing is that I have actually needed to go for longer than I will care to admit, (as I have ignored a reoccuring pain that I know I will regret not doing something about earlier.)Unfortunately he is booked out until the end of this month, so I have 14 more sleeps to stress and worry about it.